Pretty Salmon Webdesign

We Build Websites that are Pretty like Fish!

Why Work with Us

  • We have fresh, innovative ideas, that just work
  • Over two months of experience
  • More than 3 very happy customers
Our Packages
Options Baked Salmon Grilled Salmon Stuffed Salmon
Design Template Custom Custom
Number of Pages 3 5 10
E-mail Accounts 1 3 5
Statistics No Yes Yes
CMS No No Yes
Support Business hours Business hours and Weekends 24/7
Price (year) $100 $200 $500 *

* Includes a free salmon recipe book!

What We Do

We are a company that specializes in the creation and maintenance of websites. Whether you want a simple website with just some information, or a full fledged CMS, we can help you with all your wishes!


The design of a website determines how your website looks and feels. For our most basic package you can choose from one of the designs we made for earlier clients, whereas the more advanced packages include designs that we custom design for you in Microsoft Paint


Once you've decided on a design, we will convert that design to HTML and CSS. HTML is the language used on the Internet to mark up websites, whereas CSS is used to define how the website looks.


To make your website more interactive we can offer custom Javascript scripts for animations and other interactivity.

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Contact Us

Pretty Salmon Web Design,
Salmonroad 8,
10210 Foo Bar

+1 (432) 183 296